Friday 30 September 2011


Berhabuk sudah blog ni...
agak lame x bukak apatah lg nk post gambar-gambar ....and  its a long time not to look after on this blog... hakhakhak....
. so, for this time around, i'm trying to write something on my blog just like others...(erkk...aku ni bukannya suka mnaip pn....emm biaq pi ah..hahaha),
I will try to spend my time to update it.... and actually, I purposely created this blog to view and up my photo....x gunalakan klu ambik gamba tgk sorang je.... share r bez kn.....kuikuikui...and also, I will try to post something regarding photography tutorial , tips and maybe also some lesson--> anything aboutphotography... perhaps cinematography  too....wakakaka...koya gapo ..

so...thats would be the next aim.....(aku ni pemalas...ntah jd ke tidak aims tuh...erkk...biaq ah...haha)

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